This standard describes a system for establishing and assessing cleaning quality. The standard is based on the overall requirements set out in EN 13549:2001.
The cleaning standard DS/INSTA 800 provides a common basis for cleaning quality, facilitating the co-operation and communication between customers and suppliers within the field of cleaning.
A common language minimizes the risk of misunderstandings.
The standard describes two main principles:
- visual inspection
- inspection with measuring instruments (instrumental measuring methods)
For a certain cleaning task, it may be preferable to use only one or both principles.
The standard can be used in all types of buildings and localities, e.g. all types of premises in office buildings, hospitals, schools, nursery schools, shopping centres, shops, production halls, ships, buses, trains, aircraft, hotels and restaurants, irrespective of the cleaning methods, frequency or system used.
The standard describes the result achieved immediately after cleaning has been completed.
The standard has the following strengths:
- it offers the prospect of unambiguous documentation of a predetermined level of quality;
- it makes it possible for employees to assess the work performance and inspect their own work against predetermined quality profiles;
- it is a tool for the customer and provider to clearly specify the quality requirements for the cleaning service;
- it contains objective measurement criteria, so there is no doubt about the cleaning service;
- it makes it easier for customers to make comparisons between different tenders and easier for the cleaning provider to prepare the tender documents, as the quality levels are defined in the standard.
The purpose of this standard is to facilitate the tendering of cleaning services in the Nordic countries.
This standard can be used as a tool for ensuring conformity with EU regulations and public regulations. The standard is intended to contribute to a well-functioning Nordic and European market for cleaning services.
This standard contains requirements and recommendations regarding the following:
- Tender enquiry
- Procedure and terms for submission
- System for evaluation of tenders
- Extent of the delivery
- Requirements for the provider
- Technical requirements
- Contractual aspects
- Evaluation guidelines, including specification of criteria.
Guidance on the introduction and use of the common Nordic quality standard for cleaning
This guide is written to all managers and employees who work with, or wish to use, DS/INSTA 800 as a quality management system for their cleaning service.
The guide describes:
- Why the INSTA 800 standard is interesting;
- What is included in the standard and how is it used;
- How to implement INSTA 800 - and the benefits of this;
- Specific tools, templates and their application.
This standard sets out basic requirements and recommendations for measuring systems for cleaning tasks.
The standard provides a comprehensive overview of measuring equipment and systems that can be readily used in the workplaces to inspect the activities within cleaning services and which can provide an objective assessment of the results achieved. Which is the objective of this framework model for quality measuring systems.
The standard provides a template for the recognised best practice. And also allows local and/or nationally acceptable systems to continue to be used or developed.
This document provides guidance on how to measure, achieve and continually improve the quality of facility management (FM) agreements. The standard gives additional guidance on DS/EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems - Requirements, and DS/EN 15221-2:2008 Facility Management-Part 2: Guidance on how to prepare Facility Management agreements DS/EN 15221-2:2008 has been replaced by DS/EN ISO 41012:2018
The standard is relevant to all types of public and private FM agreements, but not to private consumers, irrespective of subject and industry.
The standard does not replace the organization's quality management system; nor does it contain templates, requirements, measuring tools or is a prerequisite for certification (e.g. DS/EN ISO 9001). The standard should be used in combination with DS/EN ISO 15221-2 "Guidance on how to prepare Facility Management agreements".
The standard provides guidance to all interested parties involved in facility management (FM), in particular service providers and their customers. The standard concerns the development and improvement of processes in support of the primary business activities.
It also:
- sets out basic principles
- describes high-level generic FM processes
- lists strategic, tactical and operational processes
- provides examples of process workflows.
The standard follows the DS/EN/ISO 9000 family of standards for quality management systems and provides specific guidance on the concepts and use of a process-based approach in connection with facility management.
The standard establishes a common basis for planning and design, area and space management, financial assessment as well as a tool for benchmarking in the field of facility management.
The standard covers area and space measurement for existing owned or leased buildings as well as buildings in state of planning or development.
It presents a framework for measuring floor areas within buildings and areas outside of buildings. In addition, it contains clear terms and definitions as well as methods for measuring horizontal areas and volumes in buildings and/or parts of buildings, independent of their function.
This standard gives guidelines for performance benchmarking and contains clear terms and definitions as well as methods for benchmarking facility management products and services.
The standard establishes a common basis for benchmarking facility management costs, floor areas and environmental impacts as well as service quality, satisfaction and productivity.
This European standard is applicable to Facility Management as defined in DS/EN 15221-1 and detailed in DS/EN 15221-4.
This standard provides guidance on the conclusion and development of agreements in facility management (FM).
The standard highlights:
- essential elements in FM sourcing processes
- FM roles and responsibilities in sourcing processes
- development processes and structures of typical agreement models.
This document is applicable for:
- strategic processes related to service and support functions for the core business
- development of FM strategies
- development of facility service provision agreements covering both public and private agreements
- development of FM information systems
- FM education and research
- organizational development and re-engineering of core processes.
The standard also gives guidance on:
- types of agreement
- development, structure and contents of agreements
- clarification of definitions, where relevant.
The standard uses a methodical approach from a strategic level to an operational level with examples and checklists. The intention of using this sourcing approach is to contribute significantly to adding value and optimizing the operational costs for FM professionals and procurement, finance and senior management teams.