Energy Management is a well-documented and systematic way to reduce a company's energy consumption.
Buy the standard DS/EN/ISO 50001:2018 in Danish Standards' webshop.
Dansk Standard offers you targeted advice on energy management. We assist you all the way from start to finish or to the extent you want. We advise municipalities, the state and companies on how to make the most of energy management. Today, Danish Standards is cooperating with several companies to introduce energy management. For example, we help to set policies, goal description, identify applicable legal requirements, organize caretaker courses and develop tools.
In cooperation with you, we can identify what it takes for you to have an energy management system. We draw on our professional knowledge of ISO 50001, which we have developed in cooperation with the other European standardization organizations. ISO 50001 is organized as a management standard and can be easily adapted if you already have a quality and management system, such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001.